Paul Atherton FRSA 'Welfare and the digital lie' Thurs 7th March, Tate Exchange, Tate Modern
The podcast below was recorded at the Beta Society launch event at Tate Exchange, 5-10 March 2019, also see 'What is Beta Society?'
The podcast below was recorded at the Beta Society launch event at Tate Exchange, 5-10 March 2019, also see 'What is Beta Society?'
Podcast: |
Paul Atherton discusses the obvious problems of Digital Exclusion for the poor and the vulnerable in the UK as well as the not so obvious, demonstrating ways how even the most tech savvy user has been failed by the system.
The DWP are taking an entirely online approach to claiming benefits, but what about the 2 million people who cannot access the internet in the UK? |
The speed to deliver everything online is now outstripping common sense and the worst culprit of all is the Department of Work and pensions.
Their belief that bringing everything online would make life easier for claimants and cheaper for the tax-payer has been utterly debunked through their failed Universal Credit System.
Their belief that bringing everything online would make life easier for claimants and cheaper for the tax-payer has been utterly debunked through their failed Universal Credit System.