Recalibrate your digital life through citizen-centred innovation and debate
Between the 5-10 March 2019 the Digital Maker Collective, invited guest contributors and our community partners to campaign for a Beta Society.
This week-long event aimed to establish a new community of creatives, students, industry and public, exploring social mobility and citizen-centered innovation through a digital lens. TATE MODERN - Tate Exchange Level 5
5th – 10th March 2019 Tuesday to Sunday 12.00–17.00 Free Entry |
2437 |
45 |
35 |
Since September 2018 the Digital Maker Collective (DMC), a group of University of the Arts London (UAL) staff, students, alumni, have been developing ‘Beta Society’: a project in collaboration with five partners: LionHeart In The Community (LITC), Black Thrive, Child Rights International Network (CRIN), Happy Finish and the Open Design & Manufacturing project (OD&M).
Beta Society event aimed to support greater diversity and equality of opportunity in the development and access of technology, education and the arts.
Through collaboration, partnerships, debate and action, event partners explored the pervasive impacts of technology on our everyday lives and collectively aimed to address the ever-increasing disconnect & inequalities we see in the development and access of technology, education and the arts, across society. See 'What is Beta Society' case study highlights the Beta Society development and the successful launch event at Tate Exchange, between 5-10 March 2019, where Beta Society event partners & guests welcomed and actively engaged 2437 members of public.
Beta Society event aimed to support greater diversity and equality of opportunity in the development and access of technology, education and the arts.
Through collaboration, partnerships, debate and action, event partners explored the pervasive impacts of technology on our everyday lives and collectively aimed to address the ever-increasing disconnect & inequalities we see in the development and access of technology, education and the arts, across society. See 'What is Beta Society' case study highlights the Beta Society development and the successful launch event at Tate Exchange, between 5-10 March 2019, where Beta Society event partners & guests welcomed and actively engaged 2437 members of public.
Images from the BETA Society Event Tate Exchange. March. 05 - 10 / 12 - 5pm
Utopia: The world we’re fighting for, not against
Everyday we’re reminded of the horrors that exist in the world. Whether it’s reported in the news or by human rights organisations, knowing about the global state of affairs is important for understanding the world we live in.
Everyday we’re reminded of the horrors that exist in the world. Whether it’s reported in the news or by human rights organisations, knowing about the global state of affairs is important for understanding the world we live in.
BBC Tech Tent Rory Cellan-Jones interview with Privacy International
Was great to be visited by BBC Tech Tent at Tate Exchange where Rory Cellan-Jones came to interview Frederike Kaltheuner @F_Kaltheuner about surveillance and strategies for fooling facial recognition cameras. Frederike from Privacy International was our very inspiring event guest at #betasociety part of our CRIN Child Right & DMC collaboration - main feature from 11:00
Was great to be visited by BBC Tech Tent at Tate Exchange where Rory Cellan-Jones came to interview Frederike Kaltheuner @F_Kaltheuner about surveillance and strategies for fooling facial recognition cameras. Frederike from Privacy International was our very inspiring event guest at #betasociety part of our CRIN Child Right & DMC collaboration - main feature from 11:00
Beta Society Event & Founding Associates.
Contact us.

Event supported by:
OD&M Open Design & Manufacturing:
A knowledge alliance of students, professors, researchers, makers, entrepreneurs and creative practitioners distributed across Europe and China. This OD&M programme has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
OD&M Open Design & Manufacturing:
A knowledge alliance of students, professors, researchers, makers, entrepreneurs and creative practitioners distributed across Europe and China. This OD&M programme has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union
Teaching and Learning Fund 2019:
The University of the Arts (UAL) fund supports education projects designed to make a difference to the quality of students’ learning and/or employability, and to increase attainment.
The University of the Arts (UAL) fund supports education projects designed to make a difference to the quality of students’ learning and/or employability, and to increase attainment.