Co-production, making space with workshops and activities led in collaboration with BETA Society event partners, throughout the week
Tues 5 March We are …
An intro day, a chance to meet the BETA partners through a mash up of the activities and themes we will be exploring throughout the week with the public.
Event partners include:
Event partners include:
- Digital Maker Collective: University of the Arts London staff, students and alumni who explore emerging technologies in the arts.
- Open Design & Manufacturing OD&M: A knowledge alliance co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
- LionHeart In The Community: Empowering Local Communities through Sport, Apprenticeships and International Youth Exchange.
- Black Thrive: People of African and Caribbean descent suffer disproportionately when it comes to mental health and wellbeing
- Child Rights International Network: new and dynamic perspectives on human rights issues, with a focus on children’s rights.
- Happy Finish: ground-breaking creative studio, making new things in new ways. Retouch, CGI, XR, AI, Motion, VFX, Animation
Weds 6 March BETA Utopia
The theme of BETA Utopia has been set by event community partner CRIN – Child Rights International Network. BETA Utopia — will be a collective project that draws a picture of what a rights-respecting world would look like, bringing together the factual and imaginary as a tool for change. The purpose is to re-imagine the world we are fighting for - rather than against.
Together with BETA Society event partners and public visitors, we will organise a series of activities and workshops exploring themes such as the environment, tech and surveillance, citizenship rights and a world without borders.
Join us for thought-provoking talks, create a superhero, build a future house that will help the environment, prepare a protest banner to march against climate change, join an anti-surveillance bootcamp or come and share other ideas.
Agenda and Provocations being explored:
Together with BETA Society event partners and public visitors, we will organise a series of activities and workshops exploring themes such as the environment, tech and surveillance, citizenship rights and a world without borders.
Join us for thought-provoking talks, create a superhero, build a future house that will help the environment, prepare a protest banner to march against climate change, join an anti-surveillance bootcamp or come and share other ideas.
Agenda and Provocations being explored:
- We are Earth’s custodians, not its owners: The current state of the environment needs to make us ask hard questions about how we live and what needs to change. How we can imagine a rights respecting world for children and adults that is centred on a healthy planet?
- What is children's citizenship: Children are leading the climate change marches and the anti-gun lobby in America. They are expressing their right to protest. We should also give them the right to vote. Every argument against giving children the vote echoes those against giving women the vote. What would the world look like if they could?
- Who's watching you: Children are the most surveilled population group on the planet. They are spied on by their parents, in schools, by the State and by private companies hoarding their data for profit. How we can fight back the ever growing dystopian future we are blindly walking into?
- A world without borders: What would the world look like if there were no borders? Can we imagine a world where we no longer fear the differences between nations, but celebrated the similaries between people?
Thurs 7 March Common Language
The theme of Common Language has been set by event community partner LionHeart ITC and Black Thrive. Themes will be explored through activities and workshops in collaboration with the BETA Society event partners and public visitors.
Agenda and Provocations being explored:
Agenda and Provocations being explored:
- UNCOMMON LANGUAGE A common language is essential to navigating space around us – by means of virtual reality, explore what happens when your language and perspective are far from common or lack the usual foundations
- FORMS AND DATA JARGON By investigating the dreaded conventions around data, filling out applications and tackling language expectations of formal documents, draw out truths hidden within statistics and corporate language codes
- YONDER/YANDAR Explore variations of the English language, accents and dialects through open discussion and concrete poetry
- CHATBOT Play around with speech, syntax and registers of language through open source programs
- EMOJIS Unravel this universal visual language through both physical and digital realms, test how far emoji communication can go
- (UN)COVER Immerse yourself in appearances, stories of people from local communities, reflect on perception and power of an image
Fri 8 March Gender Diversity in Creative Tech
The theme of Gender Diversity in Creative Tech has been set by the female members of Digital Maker Collective, University of the Arts London staff, students and alumni in association with International Women's Day. Themes will be explored through activities and workshops in collaboration with the BETA Society event partners and public visitors.
Agenda and Provocations being explored:
Agenda and Provocations being explored:
- Has access to tech learning changed for the better?
- What are our strategies of self-learning?
- How can the avatar be more representative of our society?
- Are there enough opportunities for minority artists in creative tech?
Sat 9 March BETA JAM
Come and join the BETA Society event partners for this mashup weekend as we make sense of the BETA Society event themes explored throughout the week.
Sun 10 March BETA JAM
Come and join the BETA Society event partners for this mashup weekend as we make sense of the BETA Society event themes explored throughout the week.
Action Space Partners.
In collaboration with the Digital Maker Collective:
In collaboration with the Digital Maker Collective:
Workshop Details (Soon)

Event supported by:
OD&M Open Design & Manufacturing:
A knowledge alliance of students, professors, researchers, makers, entrepreneurs and creative practitioners distributed across Europe and China. This OD&M programme has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
UAL Teaching and Learning Fund:
The University of the Arts (UAL) fund supports education projects designed to make a difference to the quality of students’ learning and/or employability, and to increase attainment.
OD&M Open Design & Manufacturing:
A knowledge alliance of students, professors, researchers, makers, entrepreneurs and creative practitioners distributed across Europe and China. This OD&M programme has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
UAL Teaching and Learning Fund:
The University of the Arts (UAL) fund supports education projects designed to make a difference to the quality of students’ learning and/or employability, and to increase attainment.